Through our own experience working directly with event organisers and artists we understand that not all information can be made public the moment the first ticket is sold and some events require some level of privacy and this is supported.

Transparency remains at the heart of the protcol and as such usage of private or null data is only recommended when necessary.

Workflow Example

As an event organiser I want to hide the name of my event so that I don't pre-announce prior to marketing readiness.

Crucially, the Ticket Engine will only publish what you send to it, so the recommended workflow is the simplest; don't send what you aren't ready to publish. Due to data validation in earlier versions of the engine we found that integrators would often send a hashed or encrypted string for the event name, but this is no longer required. Leaving this blank allows us to display default information on the Ticket Explorer and results in less garbage on-chain.

Firstly you can create the event with only the fields you wish to submit:

    "action": "newEvent",
    "data": {
      "eventId": "1b15b541-7d60-4ae8-b41f-aca6b981a6e7",
      "currency": "EUR",
      "startTime": 1652285087,
      "endTime": 1652285087,
      "callbackUrl": "http://callback.url/callback"

And when you have received an all-clear from the event organiser or marketing team in this scenario you are able to issue an updateEvent action to fill the missing fields:

    "action": "updateEvent",
    "data": {
      "eventId": "1b15b541-7d60-4ae8-b41f-aca6b981a6e7",
      "eventName": "Embargo No-More: A Night in Concert",
      "shopUrl": "",
      "imageUrl": "",
      "latitude": -24.2066,
      "longitude": -159.3224


The API cannot publish what it is not provided.

We've taken care to ensure that only the bare-minimum fields are required allowing for sane fallbacks or null values to be used instead. Any data that is not provided cannot be published to the blockchain and this is the preferred route for events that have privacy constraints.