Perform Actions using Blockchain IDs

It is now possible to provide a blockchain-native ID format to actions that update existing tickets. This is useful in the case where you need to accept user-driven updates, such as a metaverse event in which a user will scan the NFT ticket in a virtual setting. In these cases you will be able to retrieve the ticket ID that has been authenticated along with an event (contract) address using blockchain interactions and subsequently update your ticket metadata or state.

Media Metadata

Media NFT content is now supported on tickets and events, enabling event cover media and NFT ticket media content. Media content can be of any type which can be played within an iFrame e.g. video/audio urls. YouTube content is also supported.


Default NFT Image URL

It is now possible to add a default fallback image to be used for your NFTs when no image is provided individually. When a defaultNftImageUrl is provided this will be used as a fallback image for all NFT tickets created for this event that do not have a uri set.